the structure
The establishment is named after a Florentine man whose name was Bernabò; in the first half of the sixteenth century, he arrived in Bagni di Lucca and was healed from a serious skin ailment after bathing in the mud of the Spa by chance. Subsequently, in 1810, Napoleon's sister Elisa Baciocchi built the current establishment that remains perfectly preserved today. After a restoration work completed in 2006, nowadays our establishment comes back to life and offer the beneficial effects of its waters, so praised and now attested and documented.

The waters of the Bernabò Spring flow at 39.2 degrees. These waters treat diseases of the osteo-articular, muscle-tendon and arthrorheumatic diseases, going to play an anti-inflammatory, purifying, muscle relaxant and analgesic action. The composition of these waters includes: CALCIUM - stabilizing role on cells; SULFATE - cell renewal in tissues damaged by inflammation; BICARBONATE - analgesic, sedative action; MAGNESIUM - reduces excess sugar in the blood; SODIUM - regulates the flow of fluids and nutrients in the cells.
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